阅读量:23038 2019.07.25 作者: 奇速小牛
FBI files suggest MLK was more complicated than his myth
But can documents from an agency that hounded King be trusted?
IN 1991 OLIVER STONE released a terrible film about John F.Kennedy’s assassination,filled with conspiracy theories about government involvement.Despite,or rather because of,its awfulness the film contributed to the passage of the snappily named President John F.Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992.
N-VAR Conspiracy is secret planning by a group of people to do something illegal.合谋
N-COUNT A conspiracy is an agreement between a group of people which other people think is wrong or is likely to be harmful.阴谋
despite/dɪˈspaɪt/CET4 TEM4
PREP You use despite to introduce a fact which makes the other part of the sentence surprising.尽管
The law compelled anything related to the assassination to be released 25 years after its passage,a date which fell in October 2017.
compel/kəmˈpɛl/CET4 TEM4
V-T If a situation,a rule,or a person compels you to do something,they force you to do it.迫使
The definition of relevance was broad,which meant that a large collection of FBI records from the 1960s was made public,if only you knew where to look for them.David Garrow,a historian who has published a Pulitzer-winning biography of Martin Luther King,“Bearing the Cross”,as well as a book about King and the FBI,did know where to look.
N-UNCOUNT Something's relevance to a situation or person is its importance or significance in that situation or to that person.相关性
Martin Luther King
Last summer he spent two months going through new documents,including summaries of transcripts from the FBI’s Stasi-like surveillance of King’s private life.
N-COUNT A transcript of a conversation or speech is a written text of it,based on a recording or notes.(根据录音或笔记整理的)文字本
N-UNCOUNT Surveillance is the careful watching of someone,especially by an organization such as the police or the army.监视
go through
PHRASAL VERB If you go through an experience or a period of time,especially an unpleasant or difficult one,you experience it.经历,经受(尤指苦难或艰难时期)
&He was going through a very difficult time...
PHRASAL VERB If you go through a lot of things such as papers or clothes,you look at them,usually in order to sort them into groups or to search for a particular item.翻阅;翻找;整理
&It was evident that someone had gone through my possessions.
PHRASAL VERB If you go through a list,story,or plan,you read or check it from beginning to end.通读;彻查
&Going through his list of customers is a massive job.
PHRASAL VERB When someone goes through a routine,procedure,or series of actions,they perform it in the way they usually do.重复;例行做
&Every night,they go through the same routine:he throws open the bedroom window,she closes it.
PHRASAL VERB If a law,agreement,or official decision goes through,it is approved by a parliament or committee.(法律、协议等)被通过;(决定)被批准
&The bill might have gone through if the economy was growing.
斯塔西也翻译成史塔西,前东德国家安全部,曾经是世界上比较强大的情报机构,其正式名称为国家安全部(Ministerium für Staatssicherheit),全称是“德意志民主共和国国家安全部”,成立于1950年2月8日,总部设在东柏林。史塔西被认作当时世界上最有效率的情报和秘密警察机构之一。斯塔西成立宗旨是担任东德的政治警察,负责搜集情报、监听监视、反情报等业务。艺术家宾科夫斯基借用“斯塔西”投影来抗议美国的监视活动。
The FBI managed to persuade the attorney-general,Bobby Kennedy,that King had links with communists and that the G-men must therefore wiretap his phones and bug any rooms he stayed in.
V-T If someone wiretaps your telephone,they attach a special device to the line so that they can secretly listen to your conversations.搭线窃听(电话)
The agents did not find reds under the bed,but they did overhear salacious stuff about what was happening on top of the mattress.The agency made tapes and transcribed them.Summaries of those transcripts were subsequently made,which included quotations from the transcripts.These are the files that were released in 2017.
ADJ If you describe something such as a book or joke as salacious,you think that it deals with sexual matters in an unnecessarily detailed way.诲淫的
quotation/kwəʊˈteɪʃən/CET4 TEM4
N-COUNT A quotation is a sentence or phrase taken from a book,poem,speech,or play,which is repeated by someone else.引文;引语
Summaries of those transcripts were subsequently made,which included quotations from the transcripts.These are the files that were released in 2017.
Can documents made by an agency that was out to get King really be trusted?Mr Garrow thinks so,and points to a 1977 report from the Justice Department which says that the transcripts accurately reflect what is on the tapes.King,who was married,had a lot of affairs,which was known already.
accurate/ˈækjərɪt/CET4 TEM4
ADJ Accurate information,measurements,and statistics are correct to a very detailed level.An accurate instrument is able to give you information of this kind.精确的
But the documents describe powerful men arranging nights of sex with women and make for uncomfortable reading.One of the documents has a note scribbled in pencil in the margin saying that King was present when a parishioner was raped in a hotel room.That detail is the most controversial of Mr Garrow’s findings,because of the nature of the allegation and because it is not clear whether it describes something on tape.
V-T/V-I If you scribble something,you write it quickly and roughly.草草地写
N-COUNT A priest's parishioners are the people who live in his or her parish,especially the ones who go to his or her church.教区居民
the nature of
&Mr Sharp would not comment on the nature of the issues being investigated.
The FBI tried to spread this information around Washington,but in an age when men,including a sitting president,could get away with coercing women into having sex there was little take-up.The agency then tried a more direct route.Agents made a tape and sent it to King with an anonymous note.
V-T If you coerce someone into doing something,you make them do it,although they do not want to.胁迫
anonymous/əˈnɒnɪməs/CET6 TEM4
ADJ If you remain anonymous when you do something,you do not let people know that you were the person who did it.匿名的
get away with
&The criminals know how to play the system and get away with it
“You are a colossal fraud and an evil,vicious one at that,”the letter said.“You could not believe in God and act as you do.”The letter went on to instruct King to commit suicide,or the tape would be released:“King,there is only one thing left for you to do.You know what it is.”
fraud/frɔːd/CET4 TEM4
N-VAR Fraud is the crime of gaining money or financial benefits by a trick or by lying.诈骗罪
suicide/ˈsuːɪˌsaɪd/CET4 TEM4
N-VAR People who commit suicide deliberately kill themselves because they do not want to continue living.自杀
By any standards,the discovery of these documents by a reputable historian is newsworthy,because King was probably the greatest American of the 20th century.
ADJ A reputable company or person is reliable and can be trusted.声誉好的
ADJ An event,fact,or person that is newsworthy is considered to be interesting enough to be reported in newspapers or on the radio or television.有新闻价值的
Yet Mr Garrow says he could not interest a mainstream outlet in publishing his findings,which instead came out in Standpoint,a small right-wing British magazine.The tapes themselves will be declassified in 2027,at which point people will be able to hear them and decide for themselves.
mainstream/ˈmeɪnˌstriːm/CET4 TEM4
N-COUNT People,activities,or ideas that are part of the mainstream are regarded as the most typical,normal,and conventional because they belong to the same group or system as most others of their kind.主流
V-T If secret documents or records are declassified,it is officially stated that they are no longer secret.消密