阅读量:23716 2019.08.13 作者: 奇速小牛
Debating contests teach Chinese students an argument has two sides
Many hope to carry on the discussion overseas
WHEN THE Chinese government first sent students to America in the late 19th century,it could not decide whether their goal should be to acquire specific technical knowledge or to absorb new ways of thinking.More than a century later,a third of a million Chinese students are enrolled at American schools and universities.Yet folks back home remain divided about what an American degree means.
acquire/əˈkwaɪə/|CET4 TEM4
V-T If you acquire something such as a skill or a habit,you learn it,or develop it through your daily life or experience.习得
technical/ˈtɛknɪkəl/|CET4 TEM4
ADJ Technical means involving the sorts of machines,processes,and materials that are used in industry,transportation,and communications.技术的;工艺的
enrol/ɪnˈrəʊl|CET4 TEM4
V-T/V-I If you enrol or are enrolled at an institution or in a class,you officially join it.注册;录取
Attending an American university is a good career move.It is also scorned as a soft option for well-off kids,scared of the gaokao,China’s brutal university-entrance exams.Yet many bright Chinese youngsters explain the appeal of an American education in remarkably idealistic terms.
scorn/skɔːn/|CET6 TEM4
N-UNCOUNT If you treat someone or something with scorn,you show contempt for them.轻蔑;鄙视
V-T If you scorn someone or something,you feel or show contempt for them.鄙视;看不起
appeal/əˈpiːl/|CET4 TEM4
N-UNCOUNT The appeal of something is a quality that people find attractive or interesting.吸引力
ADJ If you describe someone as idealistic,you mean that they have ideals,and base their behaviour on these ideals,even though this may be impractical.理想主义的
One place to hear such dreams,on a recent smoggy Saturday morning,is an English-language debating tournament in the central city of Wuhan.It follows a format popular at high schools across America,known as“Public Forum Debate”.On this occasion 182 teenagers are taking part.
take part
&If you want knowledge,you must take part in the practice of changing reality.
Public Forum Debate
At first sight,the event reeks of privilege.It uses the classrooms at a bilingual private boarding school in Wuhan with its own golf course and an ice-hockey team coached by imported Russians.But the debate is not for big-city elites.
V-I If you say that something reeks of unpleasant ideas,feelings,or practices,you disapprove of it because it gives a strong impression that it involves those ideas,feelings,or practices.明显带有(令人不快的特性)
bilingual/baɪˈlɪŋɡwəl/|CET6 TEM4
ADJ Bilingual means involving or using two languages.双语的
privilege/ˈprɪvɪlɪdʒ/|CET4 TEM4
N-COUNT A privilege is a special right or advantage that only one person or group has.(某人、某团体拥有的)特权
elite/ɪˈliːt,eɪ-/|CET6 TEM8
N-COUNT You can refer to the most powerful,rich,or talented people within a particular group,place,or society as the elite.精英
It is run by the National High School Debate League of China,a company founded by two young Americans in 2011.It stages contests in dozens of Chinese cities each year.This one has drawn pupils,aged 13-18,from nine cities.Many will never study overseas.
dozens of
&Why are there dozens of varieties of mustard-but only one variety of ketchup?
National High School Debate League of China
NHSDLC,即中国高中生美式辩论联赛(全称:National High School Debate League of China)。联赛成立于2012年7月,至今,每年在全国各个城市举办了比赛超过50场,为中国高中生提供了优质的课外英语类比赛平台。美式辩论的辩题:美式辩论的辩题每月更新一次(NHSDLC的辩题一般每学期或学年更新一次),主要题材为新近发生的具有争议性的社会热点事件。美式辩论的流程:两人组成一队进行辩论。每轮辩论开赛前双方辩手需通过投掷硬币的方式来决定发言顺序或挑选立场。
The proposition is:“Countries should prioritise climate-change adaptation over mitigation.”Teams have had three weeks to prepare.An early round is won by a pair of 17-year-old girls who attend the international section(a bilingual school-within-a-school)of a state-run high school in Shenyang.
proposition/ˌprɒpəˈzɪʃən/|CET6 TEM8
N-COUNT A proposition is a statement or an idea that people can consider or discuss to decide whether it is true.主张;观点;议题
N-UNCOUNT Mitigation is a reduction in the unpleasantness,seriousness,or painfulness of something.减轻;缓和
&The state-run mine was founded in 1939 but relies on medieval technology.
In confident,rapid-fire English the duo argue that climate change should be treated with realism.They praise a sea wall being built in Jakarta and note the political lessons to be drawn from French gilets jaunes protests against a proposed fuel tax.The pair also had speeches arguing the opposite ready,in case the coin-toss had gone the other way.
ADJ A rapid-fire conversation or speech is one in which people talk or reply very quickly.(对话或演讲)语速极快的;连珠炮似的
They praise a sea wall being built in Jakarta and note the political lessons to be drawn from French gilets jaunes protests against a proposed fuel tax.
此句中,“being built in Jakarta”是sea wall的后置定语;“to be drawn from French gilets jaunes”是political lessons的后置定语;“protests against a proposed fuel tax.”解释“gilets jaunes”所做的事情。
a sea wall being built in Jakarta
French gilets jaunes法国“黄背心”
Chinese pupils are pushed to study relentlessly,says one.But American-style debate forces students to“brainstorm a lot of ideas in a short time”.Unlike America,where debating clubs are dominated by shouty,self-assured boys,most contestants in the Chinese league are girls.Of its 20 highest-ranked debaters,16 are female.
ADJ Something bad that is relentless never stops or never becomes less intense.毫不留情的
ADJ Someone who is relentless is determined to do something and refuses to give up,even if what they are doing is unpleasant or cruel.坚持不懈的
V-T/V-I If a group of people brainstorm,they have a meeting in which they all put forward as many ideas and suggestions as they can think of.头脑风暴
ADJ Someone who is self-assured shows confidence in what they say and do because they are sure of their own abilities.自信的
In a still-chauvinist society,the chance to argue forcefully and be applauded for it has a rare appeal,suggests Liam Mather,the league’s 20-something executive director.The winners in Wuhan are Joyce Yi and Erica Chen,from a state school in the southern boomtown of Shenzhen.
20多岁的联盟执行董事利亚姆•马瑟表示,在一个仍然奉行沙文主义的社会里,有机会进行有力的辩论,并因此受到称赞,这是一种罕见的吸引力。武汉辩论赛的获奖者是来自南方新兴城市深圳一所公立学校的Joyce Yi和Erica Chen。
In a still-chauvinist society,the chance to argue forcefully and be applauded for it has a rare appeal,suggests Liam Mather,the league’s 20-something executive director.
此句中,“In a still-chauvinist society”作状语;主干是“has a rare appeal”,“to argue forcefully and be applauded for it”则是不定式作同位语,解释chance的内涵。“the league’s 20-something executive director.”是Liam Mather的同位语。
沙文主义是资产阶级侵略性的民族主义。18世纪末、19世纪初产生于法国,因法国士兵沙文(Nicolas chauvin)狂热拥护拿破仑一世的侵略扩张政策,主张用暴力建立法兰西帝国而得名。它鼓吹法兰西民族是世界上最优秀的民族,宣扬本民族利益高于一切,煽动民族仇恨,主张征服和奴役其他民族。在帝国主义时代,沙文主义是帝国主义侵略和压迫其他国家和民族的舆论工具。
Their swaggering first-round performance leaves two ill-prepared boys open-mouthed like fish.Ms Chen initially relished debating in English because“I’m kind of an argumentative person.”Then she realised the subtle effects of having to research both sides of an argument.Chinese education emphasises one correct answer to a question,she says.
V-I If you swagger,you walk in a very proud,confident way,holding your body upright and swinging your hips.大摇大摆地走(此处“swaggering”是adj.表示“自信张扬的”)
ADJ If you are ill-prepared for something,you have not made the correct preparations for it,for example,because you are not expecting it to happen.准备不足的;措手不及的
subtle/ˈsʌtəl/|CET4 TEM4
ADJ Something that is subtle is not immediately obvious or noticeable.不易察觉的
The debaters are not starry-eyed about America.They talk of gun violence,inequality and crumbling cities.At a practice camp some call the American way of arguing“very chaotic.”
N-VAR Inequality is the difference in social status,wealth,or opportunity between people or groups.不平等;不公平
crumble/ˈkrʌmbəl/|CET6 TEM4
V-T/V-I If something crumbles,or if you crumble it,it breaks into a lot of small pieces.碎裂;弄碎
V-I If an old building or piece of land is crumbling,parts of it keep breaking off.崩塌
chaotic/keɪˈɒtɪk/|CET4 TEM4
ADJ Something that is chaotic is in a state of complete disorder and confusion.混乱的
But debate can prevent“huge mistakes”because competing perspectives are heard,notes Angela Pan,a teenager from Beijing.The young Chinese assert—perhaps a little optimistically—that American college students are diverse,free and informed about the world.They long to cross the Pacific and meet some.
assert/əˈsɜːt/|CET4 TEM4
V-T If someone asserts a fact or belief,they state it firmly.坚定地陈述