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阅读量:23217     2019.04.11 作者:  奇速小牛




  A Japanese court strikes a blow against exacting dress codes


  Could mandatory hair-dyeing be on its way out?


  JAPAN IS A country of conformity.As the saying goes,the nail that sticks up gets hammered down.For the most part,people obey rules without questioning their often flimsy or non-existent rationale.It was surprising,therefore,that two subway drivers in the city of Osaka refused to shave their beards to conform to the city’s“grooming standards”,despite receiving negative performance reviews and lower bonuses in punishment.

  conformity/kənˈfɔːmɪtɪ/CET6 TEM4

  1.N-UNCOUNT If something happens in conformity with something such as a law or someone's wishes,it happens as the law says it should,or as the person wants it to.依照

  2.N-UNCOUNT Conformity means behaving in the same way as most other people.随大流


  1.ADJ A flimsy object is weak because it is made of a weak material,or is badly made.脆弱的;劣质的

  2.ADJ Flimsy cloth or clothing is thin and does not give much protection.(布料或衣服)薄的

  3.ADJ If you describe something such as evidence or an excuse as flimsy,you mean that it is not very good or convincing.站不住脚的


  N-COUNT The rationale for a course of action,practice,or belief is the set of reasons on which it is based.全部理由;根本原因


  It was even more surprising when,on January 16th,a court ordered the city to pay compensation to the pair for violating their“personal freedom”.Another court in Osaka is due to rule soon in a similar case brought by a female pupil against the city after her school obliged her to dye her naturally brown hair black to fit in with her classmates.

  compensation/ˌkɒmpɛnˈseɪʃən/CET4 TEM4

  1.N-UNCOUNT Compensation is money that someone who has experienced loss or suffering claims from the person or organization responsible,or from the state.补偿金

  2.N-VAR If something is some compensation for something bad that has happened,it makes you feel better.补偿

  oblige/əˈblaɪdʒ/CET4 TEM4

  1.V-T If you are obliged to do something,a situation,rule,or law makes it necessary for you to do that thing.迫使

  2.V-T/V-I To oblige someone means to be helpful to them by doing what they have asked you to do.(通过满足要求而)帮助


  Japan is rife with such rules about hair colour,style and facial hair.Schools and employers are the source of many of the silliest.Some go beyond appearance:many schools allow girls to wear only white underwear,as well as regulating the length of their skirts and the colour of their socks.Others are pointlessly hierarchical.A few companies reportedly ban new employees from using the lifts to begin with,making them climb the stairs to their offices instead.

  hierarchical/ˌhaɪərˈɑːkɪkəl/CET6 TEM8

  ADJ A hierarchical system or organization is one in which people have different ranks or positions,depending on how important they are.等级制度的


  Over the years some bizarre but once common rules have disappeared,such as bans on drinking water during PE classes,which was thought to induce stomach pain.But others have become stricter.The Project to Eliminate“Black”School Rules,an NGO,found that students are more likely to encounter strict rules on hair length,eyebrow styling and the use of lip-balm and sunscreen today than they were ten years ago.

  bizarre/bɪˈzɑː/CET6 TEM8

  ADJ/ADV Something that is bizarre is very odd and strange.怪异的;怪异地

  encounter/ɪnˈkaʊntə/CET4 TEM4

  1.V-T If you encounter problems or difficulties,you experience them.遭遇

  2.V-T If you encounter someone,you meet them,usually unexpectedly.邂逅

  3.N-COUNT An encounter with someone is a meeting with them,particularly one that is unexpected or significant.邂逅

  4.N-COUNT An encounter is a particular type of experience.特殊经历


  It is no laughing matter.Annoying rules have been found to contribute to truancy,which is on the rise.Japan even has a word for suicide induced by onerous school rules—shidoshi.Pressure to shrug off pointless strictures is growing,as the court cases attest,but only slowly.For the moment,at least,rules still rule.

  induce/ɪnˈdjuːs/CET4 TEM4

  1.V-T To induce a state or condition means to cause it.引起

  2.V-T If you induce someone to do something,you persuade or influence them to do it.引诱;劝说













