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美文阅读 | 人类应该将自己的生命交给电脑吗?

阅读量:21904     2019.04.23 作者:  奇速小牛



  Humans struggle to cope when automation fails


  The perils of the human-machine interface


  ONE WAY to tell who made the aircraft you are boarding is to steal a glimpse of the cockpit.A traditional control yoke in front of the pilots suggests a Boeing;a joystick beside each seat,an Airbus.


  N-COUNT In an aeroplane or racing car,the cockpit is the part where the pilot or driver sits.(飞行员或赛车手的)座舱


  N-SING If you say that people are under the yoke of a bad thing or person,you mean they are forced to live in a difficult or unhappy state because of that thing or person.羁绊;枷锁


  N-COUNT In some computer games,the joystick is the lever that the player uses in order to control the direction of the things on the screen.(计算机游戏的)操纵杆


  Pilots argue about which system is better;neither is considered safer than the other.Each exemplifies a different approach to a problem that manufacturers of not just aircraft but also cars,trains and ships must grapple with as long as human operators handle increasingly automated machines.

  exemplify/ɪɡˈzɛmplɪˌfaɪ/|CET4 TEM8

  V-T If a person or thing exemplifies something such as a situation,quality,or class of things,they are a typical example of it.是…的典范



  grapple with


  &As governments grapple with these challenges,the next question is how open data worksfor business.




  The challenge of what engineers call the“human-machine interface”has tragically gained attention after the crash of an Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 8 on March 10th.Eyewitnesses reported that shortly after departing Addis Ababa,the aircraft climbed and dived repeatedly.


  N-COUNT An eyewitness is a person who was present at an event and can therefore describe it,for example in a law court.目击者

  3月10日,埃塞俄比亚航空公司一架波音737 MAX 8客机坠毁,被工程师们称之为“人机界面”的挑战不幸地引起了人们的关注。目击者报告说,飞机离开亚的斯亚贝巴后不久就开始不断爬升和俯冲。

  Similarities were drawn with a fatal crash in Indonesia in October last year.That time,the pilots of a Lion Air MAX 8 struggled,also soon after take-off,with an automated safety system that erroneously tried to prevent the aircraft from stalling by lowering its nose.

  fatal/ˈfeɪtəl/|CET4 TEM4

  ADJ A fatal accident or illness causes someone's death.(事故、疾病)致命的

  erroneous/ɪˈrəʊnɪəs/|CET6 TEM4

  ADJ Beliefs,opinions,or methods that are erroneous are incorrect or only partly correct.错误的

  这跟去年10月印尼发生的一起致命空难也有相似之处。当时,雄狮航空(Lion Air)MAX 8的飞行员在起飞后不久也遇到了困难,他们的自动安全系统错误地试图通过降低机头来防止飞机失速。


  埃塞俄比亚航空公司一架波音737 MAX 8客机坠毁:英国《镜报》消息称,埃塞俄比亚航空公司称,该飞机载有149名乘客和8名机组人员。报道称,这架飞机据信在起飞6分钟后坠毁。据BBC报道,航空公司一名发言人表示,飞机从埃塞俄比亚首都起飞后不久,于当地时间周日8时44分坠毁。据此前媒体报道,波音公司此前曾向所有运营波音737 Max飞机的航空公司发布安全公告,称传感器可能存在问题,导致飞机自行大角度俯冲并坠落。

  Lion Air MAX 8:2018年10月29日6时20分,一架载有189名乘客和机组人员的印尼狮子航空公司波音737MAX8客机,从雅加达苏加诺⋅哈达国际机场飞往邦加勿里洞省槟港。飞机起飞13分钟后失联,随后被确认在西爪哇省加拉璜(Karawang)附近海域坠毁,机上人员全部遇难。目前对印尼狮航坠机的调查倾向于认为,飞行数据传感器存在问题,可能会反馈错误数据。彭博社称,在某些情况下,比如飞行员手动飞行时,若传感器发现可能出现空气动力学失速的问题,737Max飞机会自动将机头向下推。

  Although authorities around the world have grounded the model,Boeing insists that it is airworthy.The company is updating the MAX’s automated flight-control software to make it easier for pilots to assume manual control.

  airworthy/ˈɛəˌwɜːðɪ/ADJ If an aircraft is airworthy,it is safe to fly.(飞机)适航的

  manual/ˈmænjʊəl/CET4 TEM4 ADJ Manual means operated by hand,rather than by electricity or a motor.用手操作的


  Boeing and Airbus both pack their planes with computers that do most of the flying.Each,though,espouses a different philosophy on how a pilot reacts to them,says Mudassir Lone of Cranfield University in Britain.Boeings are designed to make the pilot feel like the aviator in charge.


  V-T If you espouse a particular policy,cause,or belief,you become very interested in it and give your support to it.拥护;支持


  N-COUNT An aviator is a pilot of a plane,especially in the early days of flying.(尤指早期的)飞行员


  Although the control yoke looks and feels like something from the analogue era,the way it behaves—including shaking when approaching a stall—is created digitally by a computer.Airbus’s joystick is seldom used besides take-off and landing.A sound alerts the pilot to trouble;in an Airbus,he is more supervisor than airman.


  N a physical object or quantity,such as a pointer on a dial or a voltage,used to measure or represent another quantity模拟物;类比量

  supervisor/ˈsuːpəˌvaɪzə/|CET6 TEM4

  N-COUNT A supervisor is a person who supervises activities or people,especially workers or students.监督员;指导者




  Although the control yoke looks and feels like something from the analogue era,the way it behaves—including shaking when approaching a stall—is created digitally by a computer.

  此句中,“Although the control yoke looks and feels like something from the analogue era,”是让步状语从句,主句是“the way it behaves is created digitally by a computer.”中间的“including shaking when approaching a stall”是插入语,解释说明“behaves”。

  The big worry is what happens if a sensor feeds the flight-control system the wrong data.This might have happened in the Lion Air crash,according to a preliminary report.Something similar downed an Air France Airbus A330 over the Atlantic in 2009:


  N-COUNT A sensor is an instrument which reacts to certain physical conditions or impressions such as heat or light,and which is used to provide information.传感器

  preliminary/prɪˈlɪmɪnərɪ/|CET4 TEM4

  ADJ Preliminary activities or discussions take place at the beginning of an event,often as a form of preparation.初步的

  最大的担忧是,如果传感器向飞行控制系统提供了错误的数据该怎么办。根据一份初步报告,这一情况可能发生在雄狮航空的坠机事件中。2009年,法国航空(Air France)一架空客A330客机在大西洋上空被类似的东西击落:

  an airspeed sensor iced over and the ensuing loss of data caused the autopilot to disengage.Unable to work out what was happening,the pilots lost control.


  V-T/V-I If you disengage something,or if it disengages,it becomes separate from something which it has been attached to.使脱离;脱离


  Switching from automatic to manual is not straightforward.Flight-control systems may not disengage entirely.Instead,they might continue to assist the pilot in an attempt to prevent a dangerous manoeuvre.When things do go wrong,it is critical that pilots follow the correct procedures,which are different for each model of aircraft.

  straightforward/ˌstreɪtˈfɔːwəd/|CET6 TEM4

  ADJ If you describe something as straightforward,you approve of it because it is easy to do or understand.容易的;易懂的


  Pilots learn these and carry checklists spelling them out.Proliferation of systems necessitates frequent retraining.To make life easier for pilots,the MAX 8 employs a system that makes it feel to them like older,more familiar versions of the 737.But this adds another layer of complexity.

  necessitate/nɪˈsɛsɪˌteɪt/|CET6 TEM8

  V-T If something necessitates an event,action,or situation,it makes it necessary.使成为必需


  V-T/V-I If you retrain,or if someone retrains you,you learn new skills,especially in order to get a new job.再培训;接受再培训


  N-UNCOUNT Complexity is the state of having many different parts connected or related to each other in a complicated way.复杂性

  飞行员要学习这些程序,并随身携带一份细节清单。系统的补充更新使得频繁的再培训成为必要之举。为了给飞行员减负,MAX 8采用了一种系统,感觉像是更古老、更熟悉的737版本。但这又增加了另一层复杂性。

  Incidents are not confined to aviation.In Washington,DC,automated trains have largely been out of service since 2009,when a faulty circuit made a stationary train invisible to the safety system on the one behind it.The driver was unable to brake in time;the resulting crash killed nine people.

  aviation/ˌeɪvɪˈeɪʃən/|CET6 TEM4

  N-UNCOUNT Aviation is the operation and production of aircraft.航空;飞机制造业

  circuit/ˈsɜːkɪt/|CET4 TEM4

  N-COUNT An electrical circuit is a complete route which an electric current can flow around.电路


  Ships may soon face similar problems.Some ferries and offshore support vessels have already replaced ship’s wheels with computer-assisted joysticks.A series of accidents involving self-driving cars may have been caused by sensors’failure to recognise objects in the road,and drivers failing to respond fast enough.

  ferry/ˈfɛrɪ/|CET6 TEM4

  N-COUNT A ferry is a boat that transports passengers and sometimes also vehicles,usually across rivers or short stretches of sea.渡船;渡轮



  A series of


  &To do this they pitted the groups against each other in a series of competitions.


  Studies have shown that when people have to wrest control from an automated system,it can take them around five seconds to grasp what is happening.The monotony of monitoring a semi-automated vehicle may reduce vigilance by provoking what psychologists refer to as“passive”fatigue.


  N-UNCOUNT The monotony of something is the fact that it never changes and is boring.单调乏味;一成不变

  fatigue/fəˈtiːɡ/|CET4 TEM4

  N-UNCOUNT Fatigue is a feeling of extreme physical or mental tiredness.疲惫



  wrest control


  &There’s no way Apple is going to wrest control.But the home is a different matter.


  Such concerns have led some carmakers,Ford among them,to consider skipping semi-automation and go straight to something closer to full autonomy,cutting people out of the loop.That would remove the human-machine interface—but not humans’machine-induced fears.

  autonomy/ɔːˈtɒnəmɪ/|CET6 TEM4

  N-UNCOUNT Autonomy is the ability to make your own decisions about what to do rather than being influenced by someone else or told what to do.独立自主



  out of the loop


  &If an artist did not go to Beijing or Shanghai,one would be,in a sense,out of the loop.



  Such concerns have led some carmakers,Ford among them,to consider skipping semi-automation and go straight to something closer to full autonomy,cutting people out of the loop.

  此句中,主干是“Such concerns have led some carmakers to consider skipping semi-automation and go straight to something closer to full autonomy”,中间的“Ford among them”是插入语,其补充说明的作用,一般情况下插入语删除后也不影响句子结构;后面的“cutting people out of the loop.”是现在分词作结果状语。


  1.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

  A.Although authorities around the world have grounded the model,Boeing insists that it is airworthy.

  B.Switching from automatic to manual is not straightforward.Flight-control systems may not disengage entirely.Instead,they might continue to assist the pilot in an attempt to prevent a dangerous manoeuvre.

  C.Manufacturers of not just aircraft but also cars,trains and ships must grapple with the human-machine interface problem as long as human operators handle increasingly automated machines.

  D.When people have to wrest control from an automated system,it can take them around five seconds to grasp what is happening.

  2.How many examples are mentioned in the passage in order to prove the problem of human-machine interface?What are they?

  Three examples.

  ①The crash of an Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 8 on March 10th.

  ②A fatal crash of Lion Air MAX 8in Indonesia in October last year.

  ③An Air France Airbus A330 over the Atlantic in 2009:an airspeed sensor iced over and the ensuing loss of data caused the autopilot to disengage.

  3.Manufacturers must grapple with(努力克服)as long as human operators handle increasingly automated machines.

  4.Each,though,espouses(支持)a different philosophy on how a pilot reacts to them.

  5.Such concerns have led some carmakers go straight to something closer to full autonomy,cutting people out of the loop(处于圈外).










